What is Azure Load balancer

"Understanding Azure Load Balancer": How to Distribute Traffic and Increase Availability

Azure Load Balancer is a service provided by Microsoft Azure that enables you to distribute incoming traffic across multiple virtual machines. This can help to increase the availability and scalability of your application. In this blog post, we will discuss what Azure Load Balancer is, how it works, and how to set it up in your virtual network.

What is Azure Load Balancer?

Azure Load Balancer is a service that enables you to distribute incoming traffic across multiple virtual machines. It uses a load balancing algorithm to distribute traffic among the virtual machines, ensuring that no single virtual machine is overwhelmed with traffic. This can help to increase the availability and scalability of your application.

How Does Azure Load Balancer Work?

When incoming traffic is received by Azure Load Balancer, it uses a load balancing algorithm to determine which virtual machine should handle the traffic. The traffic is then forwarded to the chosen virtual machine. The load balancing algorithm can be configured to use various methods such as round-robin, least connections, and IP hash. The algorithm can also be customized to suit specific requirements.

Azure Load Balancer also performs health monitoring on the virtual machines to ensure that only healthy virtual machines are selected to handle traffic. If a virtual machine becomes unhealthy, it is removed from the pool of available virtual machines and traffic is directed to healthy virtual machines.

How to Set Up Azure Load Balancer

Setting up Azure Load Balancer in your virtual network is a simple process that can be done through the Azure portal. Here are the basic steps to set up Azure Load Balancer:

Create a Load Balancer and configure the frontend IP and backend pool

Configure the load balancing rule and health probe

Create a NAT rule if needed

Assign a public IP address

Once the Load Balancer is set up, it will begin distributing incoming traffic among the virtual machines in the backend pool.


Azure Load Balancer is a powerful service that enables you to distribute incoming traffic among multiple virtual machines. It uses a load balancing algorithm to ensure that no single virtual machine is overwhelmed with traffic, and performs health monitoring to ensure that only healthy virtual machines are selected to handle traffic. If you are looking to increase the availability and scalability of your application, Azure Load Balancer is definitely worth considering. 

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